Saturday, May 09, 2020

Life's Adventure

It's been a quite a while since the last post. I had been working on one to publish, doing research and such. It's pretty much done, however, I decided, 'Nope.... not going to do it." It was titled, "Sick. Sick Sick" as in 'I am so tired of all this Covid 19/Corona virus crap'. As I am sure we all are. In fact, that is probably the only boat we are all in together. Hanging over the edge being sick. Sick. Sick. Of. It. All.

I did some research on things like the number of deaths per year, stuff like that. The information on the virus changes daily, or at least the information the media feeds us. I trust none of the information given. I also am not freaked out from this pandemic. I can't say I buy all the hype about how we all are going to die if we get it. That is bullshit, and way too many people are panicked. Panicked people are not fun.
This whole experience of this has certainly been interesting. Not completely unpleasant but certainly not enjoyable either.
  I have a job I absolutely love, mingling with young adults every day. Some days with the kids are better than other days, all depending on what is happening in their lives and in the world at the moment. I work at a very small school, so knowing the individual students is the norm. The one goal I have each day is to make sure my classroom is consistent. Consistent in set up, consistent in attitude and energy. That consistency brings a sense of safety and trust. The other daily goal is to make the kids laugh or at least smile everyday. The kids are the reason to get up everyday. The structure of the day keeps me sane, and sometimes stressed, but mostly stable in knowing who, what, when, where, why, how, etc. This inconclusive, unstable, precarious times of ours right now sucks. It's Bullshit.

I have a saying, "Everyday is an adventure, whether you want it to be or not." Many many days are mundane with the same ol' same ol'. Sometimes the mundane takes a sharp left turn and you find yourself in the middle of mayhem or a commotion that may not have been anticipated. Those are really the fun times, problem solving, keeping it together and getting through. Then there are those days that start out in a chaotic sprint from the get go.

No matter the day, it is an adventure... sometimes in unexpected ways, and sometime in ways we'd rather not experience, but an adventure none the less. This whole pandemic has been one of those times. And it looks to be an ongoing 'adventure' for quite some time to come. Good, bad or indifferent, there will be thrills and excitement along with misery and despair. No matter what, the days keep on keeping on and the people keep on peopling on. Some with more sense than others, but oh, well, live and let live.

So in this, approaching of start of the 3rd month of a pandemic, with the help of friends, and internet communications I think I am holding out ok. I cant wait to go to a movie again. The first thing I am going to order in the restaurant I can go into for a meal will be breakfast! And the wish to have been able to spend the last month in school making memories with the students going off into their lives is not going to happen. There is a loss, a grief there with that. But I'll get over it.

The one thing I look most forward to is getting together with all those people I train with a few times a year. I can wait to see them all again. It's not like we get to hang out a lot anyway, but the next time is going to be exceptional.

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