So, once again another year ends. Seems as if I haven't posted anything since 2022. Online journaling is kind of an 'out-there for anyone to read' type of leap. It is intimidating to think of having my writing out for public viewing.
In reading through former posts, I've written a lot of history. My first posting was in 2009. 15 years of documented excursions and insights. My plan is to start posting again, as it is the plan every year. So much has changed or shifted with me, with my world and with life in general. Maybe just putting thoughts out into the universe will bring some perspective.
For the last two years, posting nothing pretty much says it all. Nothing has been happening. Well, a lot has been happening, but nothing much on the teaching and instructing front, anyway. Day after day, week after week, month after month, always the same ol' same ol'. Until that one day - that one day that is not like all the others and a new same ol' same ol' begins.
At one time I thought maybe I was simply taking a hiatus from the self defense stuff. it has extended beyond a simple hiatus. I am not sure I plan on pursuing the self defense stuff any further. I do not know how come I don't wish to keep on keeping on.
A shift has happened, or is happening, who knows. The mind chatter constantly tells me, "You're slacking. You're not doing enough. You should be [fill in the blank]" I miss working out with people. I miss physical exertion that comes with working out with people. I miss the good ol' days of working out at the dojo. Classes were three hours long, the workouts intense.
Three hours for me these days would be overkill. But a solid hour, hour and a half maybe, would be awesome. The typical time for training classes today is 45 to 50 minutes. That amount of time we wouldn't even be enough for our warm ups back in the day.
So the end of 2024 and the first blog post in two years. The following months I do plan on vomiting thoughts out into the interwebs. They won't be the typical posts I have always seem to have done. The plan is to let myself express more of what makes me tick, what ticks me off, what intrigues, and how I perceive.
As always, 'good luck'