Monday, March 23, 2020

For now the new normal.... Indefinitely.

Lock down, Quarantined, Self Isolation, Seclusion, Sequestered, House Arrest...
For now the new normal.... Indefinitely.

One of the most advantageous qualities anyone could have in any situation is adaptability. Adaptability, I think is a learned trait/skill/quality. If one is never allowed to face adversity or challenges in which they must problem-solve on their own, then how would they ever learn how to adapt.

If a person's situations and circumstances are always taken care of by someone else, there is no way to learn how to adapt. I think this creates weak links in society. Personally, I love seeing kids come up with solutions, "I didn't have this so I used that and made it work!" or when they say, "I had to figure out how to..." and they do. I also have seen just as many say, "I don't know how, it won't let me." and give up. Not looking for a way around the challenge. They're good with others telling them what to do or letting other do for them, as they don't really know how to 'do' anyway. Not always, but often the product of the so called 'helicopter' or 'lawnmower' parent.

This isolation that Covid-19 has caused is annoying. Not that I mind not seeing other humans. However, I am not one who uses free time well. I am one that need a specific place to be at a designated time everyday, I need a consistent schedule that answers to others. This was discovered a few years ago during summer break, which led me to the realization that I could never retire. Good thing I really, really like my job.

So, adaptability... we all have been through trials that have forced us to adapt in one way or another. When my father was diagnosed with ALS, adaptation was necessary. Work schedule, physical work load, emotional and psychological acceptance and responsibility all needed to become adaptable, for any given day.

Other life challenges create moments to implement adaptability. One of the things Phil, my first self defense instructor says is, "He who adapts, survives."

Malcolm, has what he calls 'everyday reps', meaning that everyday, we have a chance to practice self protection, personal defense. Not necessarily the physical, more often all the other areas of keeping safe, like noticing things happening around you and taking action to keep safe, or paying your intuition and noting what it's trying to tell you. Things like that, among others.

This new normal, for now - indefinitely, gives us vast opportunities to practice adaptation, its all about the attitude. 

"Life's an adventure, whether you want it to be or not."

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